David Attwater joined EIG in 2003 with responsibilities for user interface usability, design, research and development. David also manages the EIG UK Office. Before joining EIG he was head of the spoken dialog research team at the British Telecom Research Labs.
David began his career researching the use of speech recognition for extremely large directory assistance applications. He then lead a team researching how-may-I-help-you applications in the United Kingdom including corpus-based development and testing of spontaneous UK English acoustic models and semantic classifiers. His research interests include natural dialog modeling techniques and emulation of spontaneous turn-taking in human-machine dialog.
David now spends much of his time testing enterprise automated dialog systems with end-customers. This includes testing new spoken dialogues on live customer calls using wizard of oz simulations. David has several international patents pending and a number of publications. He holds two engineering degrees from the University of York, UK.